
Link to string_split_by_width()

function string_split_by_width(_str, _line_width, _font=draw_get_font()) {
	if (_str == undefined) return;
	if (_line_width < 0) _line_width = 10000000; 	// means nothing will "wrap"
	var _prev_font = draw_get_font();
	var _whitespace = " ";
	var _newline = chr(0x0a); //  \n
	var _newline2 = chr(0x0d); //  \r
	var _arr = [];
	var _arr_index = 0;
  // put newlines in
	var _length = string_length(_str);
	// Allocate new space
	var _new_str = _str;
	var lastChar = string_char_at(_new_str, 0);
	var _start = 0;
	var _end = 0;
	while (_start < _length)
		var total = 0;
		// If width < 0 (i.e. no wrapping required), then we DON'T strip spaces from the start... we just copy it!  (sounds wrong.. but its what they do...)
		if (_line_width == 10000000)
		    while (_end < _length && string_char_at(_new_str, _end) != _newline && string_char_at(_new_str, _end) != _newline2)
		        if (_end < _length) lastChar = string_char_at(_new_str, _end); else lastChar = chr(0x0);
		    var c;
		    if (_end < _length) c = string_char_at(_new_str, _end); else c = String.fromCharCode(0x0);
		    if ((_newline == lastChar) && (_newline2 == string_char_at(_new_str, _end))) { _end++; continue; } // ignore, we've already split the line on #10
		    if ((_newline2 == lastChar) && (_newline == string_char_at(_new_str, _end))) { _end++; continue; } // ignore, we've already split the line on #13
		    lastChar = string_char_at(_new_str, _end);
				_arr[_arr_index++] = string_copy(_new_str, _start, _end-_start); 	// add into our list...
			// Skip leading whitespace
			while (_end < _length && total < _line_width)
				c = string_char_at(_new_str, _end);
				if (string_char_at(_new_str, _end) != _whitespace) break;
				total += string_width(c);
			// Loop through string and get the number of chars that will fit in the line.
			while (_end < _length && total < _line_width)
				c = string_char_at(_new_str, _end);
				if (c == _newline) break; 				// if we hit a newline, then "break" here...
				total += string_width(c); 		// add on width of character
			// If we shot past the end, then move back a bit until we fit.
			if (total > _line_width)
				total -= string_width(string_char_at(_new_str, _end)); 			// add on width of character
			// END of line
			if (string_char_at(_new_str, _end) == _newline)
				//_new_str[_end] = 0x00;
				_arr[_arr_index++] = string_copy(_new_str, _start, _end-_start);
			} else
				// NOT a new line, but we didn't move on... fatal error. Probably a single char doesn't even fit!
				if (_end == _start)
					return _arr;

				// If we don't END on a "space", OR if the next character isn't a space AS WELL. 
				// then backtrack to the start of the last "word"
				if (_end != _length)
					if ((string_char_at(_new_str, _end) != _whitespace) || (string_char_at(_new_str, _end) != _whitespace && string_char_at(_new_str, _end + 1) != _whitespace))
						var e = _end;
						while (_end > _start)
							if (string_char_at(_new_str, --e) == _whitespace) break; 				// FOUND start of word

							_end = e;
						else {
							while(string_char_at(_new_str, _end)!=_whitespace)

				var __end = _end;
				if (__end > _start)
					while (string_char_at(_new_str, __end - 1) == _whitespace && __end>0)
			//	else if (_end == _start) // if we're back to the START of the string... look for the next space - or string end.
			//	{
			//		while (_new_str[_end] != _whitespace && _end < _length)
			//		{
			//			_end++;
			//		}
			//	}
					_arr[_arr_index++] = string_copy(_new_str, _start, __end-_start);
		_start = ++_end;