Hit Boxes / Hurt Boxes
Link to Hit Boxes / Hurt Boxes
HitLib is a library I have built over 2 projects to process hiting/hurting enemies or other entities called 'hurtable'. The library comes with many options and is quite ok... I think. HitLib is a library I have built over 2 projects to process hiting/hurting enemies or other entities called 'hurtable'. The library comes with many options and is quite ok... I think.
- add Hurtable behavior by parenting or attach Hurt Boxes to instances.
- adjust how Hurt Bowes follow / mimic their 'owning' instances.
- create Hit Boxes with hitbox_create() function.
- adjust how Hit Bowes follow / mimic their 'owninh' instance.
- add speed to Hit Boxes, manage high speed movement collision.
- cancel Hit Boxes on collision with walls.
- customize parameters (damages, attack types, callback function...) to fit your game features.
G2L is fully free. Do whatever you want with it.