Link to Catspeak
Catspeak is the spiritual successor to the long dead execute_string
function from GameMaker 8.1, but on overdrive.
Use the built-in Catspeak scripting language to expose safe and sandboxed modding APIs within GameMaker projects, or bootstrap your own domain-specific languages and development tools using the back-end code generation tools offered by Catspeak.
Compile performant scripts from plain-text...
// parse Catspeak code
var ir = Catspeak.parseString(@'
let catspeak = "Catspeak"
return "hello! from within " + catspeak
// compile Catspeak code into a callable GML function
var getMessage = Catspeak.compileGML(ir);
// call the Catspeak code just like you would any other GML function!
...without giving modders unrestricted access to your sensitive game code:
var ir = Catspeak.parseString(@'
game_end(); -- heheheh, my mod will make your game close >:3
// calling `badMod` will throw an error instead
// of calling the `game_end` function
try {
var badMod = Catspeak.compileGML(ir);
} catch (e) {
show_message("a mod did something bad!");